June is Pride Month

A letter from our DEI Coordinator and one of our amazing teachers, Emily Yuen:
This first week of June is a delicate balance of flamboyant celebration, and somber reflection and activism.  Today, June 1st, is the first day of Pride Month, and I, personally, am beyond excited to engage in festivities and commemorate LGBTQIA+ folks, both past and present.  Tomorrow, June 2nd, is also Gun Violence Awareness Day, that is why we are asking staff and students to wear orange.  This year, my students at Urban Native Education Alliance experienced fatal gun violence at their school, which should have been a safe place for them.  I expect there will be an overlap of emotions this week, and we hope to provide a safe and supportive community for everyone, no matter your life experience.

Below I have added some resources for everyone.  Please feel free to reach out if you need extra support, or if you have resources you would like to share with our Yellow Wood community.  

Resources for gun violence awareness:

Regional Gun Violence Community-Based Resource Guide  

Resources for LGBTQIA+ community:

LGBTQ+ Community Resources: Local Resources & Organizations

Seattle LGBTQ Commission

I wish you all a peaceful and prideful rest of the school year. 

Shannon Kennedy